There's something really magical about opening a children's book... you know what I mean? From the wonder and magic of the illustration to the story itself, it's often a special journey from start to finish.

So, as we begin to approach a new year of school it feels like a wonderful time to share some of our favorite books for Summer; Some of these books we've read a hundred times it seems, and some of them we've just recently discovered and fallen in love with. Many of these books in particular have informed a ton of imaginary play and helped us to slow down individually and as a family and observe nature around us a bit more carefully. So let's get to it shall we?
-Please note the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item I will receive an affiliate commission which helps offset our costs some. Like covering the cost of a cup of coffee. The opinions are still 100% my own.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
I want to begin with this classic in part because it has inspired a deep desire to learn to read in Juner. She's recently memorized the whole thing and listening to her excitedly "read it" aloud to everyone who walks through our door is one of the things filling my cup big time lately.
But I also want to begin with it because this is the kind of book that's made to be used in a hundred different ways with your kids. It's perfect for creating story props to retell the story in a fun new way, to work on counting and number recognition, as a jumping off point for crafts or an introduction to butterflies. Pinterest is a great resource if you're feeling stumped.
National Geographic Kids Look and Learn: Caterpillar to Butterfly by Catherine D. Hughes
If you want to expand on The Very Hungry Caterpillar and really dive into butterflies I cannot recommend this book enough. It is filled with photos of a butterflies lifecycle. Juner loved seeing what everything really looks like and it captured her attention (and her heart) in a really special way. This book sparked her interest in butterflies and helped it evolve into a real love for them. So much so that we will be planting Milkweed Seeds this fall.
Moonlight Prance by Serena Gingold Allen & Sunrise Dance by Serena Gingold Allen
The star of these books is the illustrations by Teagan White. Not only are they absolutely stunning, each page is also interactive, there's something to spin, slide or pull to make them come alive even more. It's utterly delightful for everyone. These books make a great compliment to one another as Moonlight Prance shines a light on all kind of nocturnal animals while Sunrise Dance highlights a variety of animals you may discover out in the day. We love that they both engage each of our kids in different ways.
Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth by Oliver Jeffers
This book is one to grow with and as your kids get bigger they will understand bits and pieces in new ways and you'll find yourselves coming back to it time and time again. It's also great because while it's filled with facts it's thought provoking and encourages you to know that even you as an individual can create change for the betterment of the planet. Its a great foundation for building respect for not just the earth but each other as well.
Tiny, Perfect Things by M. H. Clark
If your seeking a book that will encourage discovery and observation while also teaching your kids to appreciate even the tiniest things this is it. Tiny, Perfect Things may lead to slower walks (sometimes very slow) with lots of stopping along the way but in doing so it will create so many opportunities for connection. Connection between you and your child, connection to the world around them and curiosity and questions that you can discover answers for together.
You Belong Here by M. H. Clark
This book is all about home and love. It's one of those books that will tug at your heart and leave you thankful for what you have. It creates a deep sense of belonging which is a profound thing for anyone, especially your child.
The Golden Glow by Benjamin Flouw
The Golden Glow follows Fox on a quest to find a mysterious flower. We love this book first and foremost because it creates space to start a conversation about when it's okay to collect things like fallen leaves along a walk or cut flowers from the garden and alternatively when it's important to leave no trace. To take time to observe but let it be and the importance behind that. It's a good book for learning to respect nature and while still enjoying it.
Flora: A Botanical Pop-Up Book by Nicole Yen
The pop ups in this book by Yoojin Kim and illustrations by Kathryn Selbert are beautiful and delicate. If your child tends to yank on things I'd wait until they are a little older but when the time is right this book is worth adding to your collection as it's just as educational as it is beautiful. It's become especially well loved around our house.
The Little Gardener by Emily Hughes
The Little Gardener's rhythmic storytelling and rich illustration will draw you in and leave you dreaming of your own garden. There's so much hope and beauty that pours from this book about a hardworking but tiny gardener and his garden it's definitely worth picking up.
We'd love to know what other children's books you love too, we are always on the lookout for others.
Till next time,
Bec (and Juner)